These are the hottest baby names of 2020, and we’ve got the data to prove it. We looked at the viewer figures for all our name pages over the last month, compared it with the same period last year, and found which names had the biggest rise in views over that time. And the results are fascinating.
That’s not the pages that got the most views, which we keep up-to-date from all sources on our main page for popular names. It’s the ones with the biggest increase, the ones not many people were looking at last year but now they really want to know about.
Does this mean we’ll see a lot of babies with these names in the official charts for 2020, or 2021? Well, it depends. Some of the highest climbers are slightly unusual names that have been in the news or on our screens recently. Most likely many readers were just intrigued by them, rather than seriously considering them for a baby.
But names that fit into existing trends, that feel similar-yet-different and have no obvious pop culture background? They could well be ones that parents-to-be are considering.
Let’s look at the highlights of the hottest names this year. And if you see that fire emoji while you’re exploring Nameberry, you know you’re onto something sizzling.
A note about the percentages: we compared pageviews for names in August 2020 versus August 2019. On average, traffic increased by 17%. We’ve added the fire emoji to all the names that increased by significantly more than that: 40% or more.
Kamala (3715%)
Katara (1769%)
Artis (1634%)
Chantel (688%)
Teddy (602%)
Bunty (545%)
Ximena (514%)
Azula (448%)
Nimue (400%)
Marinette (349%)
Other influences for baby boy names 2020 include Avatar again for characters Akuma and Zuko, the news of Chadwick Boseman’s death, and trends for names from ancient Rome and with angelic -el endings.
Isaias (3123%)
Ezequiel (900%)
Bard (421%)
Akuma (398%)
Amadeo (386%)
Chadwick (293%)
Brutus (270%)
Zuko (264%)
Aarush (251%)
Jaziel (211%)
Aletris (517%)
Artis (365%)
Fifer (216%)
Elon (186%)
Devi (174%)
Neriah (154%)
Amal (153%)
Blaise (129%)
Jessie (127%)
Azariah (126%)
Some of these, like Kylo, are already showing a corresponding rise in the charts — in fact, we’re not sure why Kylo is so much more popular this year than it was last year. Others are probably more of theoretical interest than actual baby name material.
HeartBellatrixChevron - RightHeartCreedChevron - RightHeartEnolaChevron - RightHeartGigiChevron - RightHeartKobeChevron - RightHeartKyloChevron - RightHeartJacindaChevron - RightHeartMazikeenChevron - RightHeartOnyxChevron - RightHeartRenesmeeChevron - RightHeartTheodosiaChevron - Right
HeartAlpheusChevron - RightHeartAnahitaChevron - RightHeartAresChevron - RightHeartAthenaChevron - RightHeartCeridwenChevron - RightHeartCybeleChevron - RightHeartDianaChevron - RightHeartEosChevron - RightHeartHeraChevron - RightHeartHestiaChevron - RightHeartIoneChevron - RightHeartKoreChevron - RightHeartMinervaChevron - RightHeartNepheleChevron - RightHeartNyxChevron - RightHeartOrpheusChevron - RightHeartPerseusChevron - RightHeartPhaedraChevron - RightHeartTitusChevron - RightHeartVenusChevron - Right
HeartEshaChevron - RightHeartKaliChevron - RightHeartKarmaChevron - RightHeartKiranChevron - RightHeartNiharikaChevron - RightHeartReshmaChevron - RightHeartReyanshChevron - RightHeartSavitaChevron - RightHeartSwatiChevron - RightHeartUmaChevron - RightHeartVivaanChevron - Right
HeartAbrahamChevron - RightHeartBarnabasChevron - RightHeartBenaiahChevron - RightHeartDelilahChevron - RightHeartEsauChevron - RightHeartHadassahChevron - RightHeartHezekiahChevron - RightHeartJabezChevron - RightHeartJoahChevron - RightHeartLemuelChevron - RightHeartNicodemusChevron - RightHeartSaulChevron - RightHeartTalithaChevron - RightHeartTirzahChevron - RightHeartZachariahChevron - Right
HeartAlbieChevron - RightHeartBirdieChevron - RightHeartBuddyChevron - RightHeartDixieChevron - RightHeartEllieChevron - RightHeartLettieChevron - RightHeartNicoChevron - RightHeartNixieChevron - RightHeartOzChevron - RightHeartPixieChevron - RightHeartStevieChevron - RightHeartSunnyChevron - RightHeartWesChevron - RightHeartWinnieChevron - Right
HeartAdalynnChevron - RightHeartAellaChevron - RightHeartAikoChevron - RightHeartAitanaChevron - RightHeartAlistairChevron - RightHeartAlonzoChevron - RightHeartAloraChevron - RightHeartAmaranthaChevron - RightHeartAmariChevron - RightHeartAmityChevron - RightHeartAnatoleChevron - RightHeartAnemoneChevron - RightHeartApphiaChevron - RightHeartAraluenChevron - RightHeartArianwenChevron - RightHeartAsmaChevron - RightHeartAstraeaChevron - RightHeartAuberonChevron - RightHeartAuraChevron - RightHeartAzamiChevron - Right
We’ll be coming out soon with an A to Z guide to our hottest names, marked with a fire emoji. Until then, let this be your guide.
Clare Green has been writing for Nameberry since 2015, covering everything from names peaking right now to feminist baby names, and keeping up-to-date with international baby name rankings. Her work has featured in publications such as The Independent and HuffPost. Clare has a background in linguistics and librarianship, and recently completed an MA dissertation researching names in multilingual families. She lives in England with her husband and son. You can reach her at
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