Ashley and Peyton Orgill, a 4th grade teacher and Navy Reserve member, live in Virginia. They welcomed their first child, son Hugo Kyle, on November 28, 2021.
We spoke to Ashley and Peyton about how they named their little boy.
A: We didn’t share our list, because we were worried people would take our names. We wanted our child’s name to be different. But some of our friends had kids first.
P: During the IVF process, Ashley lost her brother. We wanted to make our baby’s middle name Kyle, Ashley’s brother’s name. I was given full rein to come up with the first name. We wanted something that way easy to say, easy to remember, but not super common. I searched on Nameberry, the Social Security Administration, and ultimately narrowed it down to two names — Hugo and Booker.
We both knew we wanted something different, but Peyton did all the research. He would come to me with names and I’d be like, “Ehh” or “Okay, I can get with that.” I liked Booker a lot, but Hugo was it.
P: Once we agreed to Hugo, we told a few people. Some of the reactions we got were a little off. We just had to stand firm on our decision — this is for us. It’s how we feel. And everyone loves it now!
A: My brother passed away in January 2021, and we did the IVF transfer in April. We knew we had to use Kyle as a middle name, so we were testing all our first name options with Kyle. It needed to sound right! I wanted it to be two syllables since Kyle is one syllable. Lionel Kyle didn’t sound too good.
P: Ewing was an early idea — it didn’t last long — but even with that, I really wanted a unique name. Ashley and I are from New York, and there’s a famous New York basketball player named Ewing, so it ties in.
A: Ewing didn’t fly with me.
A: I love it — we chose Phoebe, and her middle name still would have been Kyle. We also had Margot on our list early on.
P: Everyone was telling us to do Peyton Jr. or do a combination of our names.
A: I think it’s that teacher in me — I want him to have his own name. I’m mad, they need to know who I’m talking to!
We know a lot of juniors and it’s great. I love the name Peyton and wouldn’t necessarily have been opposed to it.
P: I like my name. I haven’t met a ton of Peytons, especially in my age range. I was always the only Peyton growing up.
If I say it fast, people get it wrong all the time. And there are also so many spelling variations. It’s usually just Peyton and Payton, but I’ve seen it spelled like Peighton. That was why I wanted something easy for Hugo.
A: You can’t mess that up when you’re taking attendance.
A: I really liked some of the girl names in my classroom, like Journey. It’s different but trendy. The boys have more popular names like Josiah and Aiden.
Once we found it, we had to try it out to see how it felt. I remember I was going to work early in the morning, while Ashley was still asleep. I sent her a link to Hugo’s page on Nameberry, where it explains the name and definition. I also googled “famous Hugos.” We’re into Harry Potter, and Ronald and Hermione had a son and named him Hugo! That’s a godsend right there.
A: I let him do his research, and when he brought the names to me, I’d say yes or no. Going through IVF was really hard, and when you make a baby from scratch, you can’t just name him anything. You’ve gotta really put some work in!
P: We were very protective of our list — even when there wasn’t a baby in sight. There were names I felt strongly about that Ashley shot down. It was fine, but I had to remove my personal connection to the names, which was hard for me at first. I had to tone it down — she wasn’t saying anything negative about me, she just didn’t like the name. I read some articles online saying that was a normal feeling.
A: We’re very stylish but also very chill and clean. I like basic colors and monochromatic things. I’m also concerned with comfort — if I cannot wear sneakers, I don’t want to go.
We had a sneaker shower — everyone had to wear sneakers. I was like, “I’m the person y’all came to see, and I am not wearing shoes.” It was in November, and everyone wore beige and cream — muted colors, but the sneakers stood out.
We went all in because Hugo may be our only child. As he gets older, we’ll transform the room to fit whatever he likes personally. For now, he just does what we like.
Peyton was serious about his painting. I decorated the nursery. I found the rug and furniture early on, and we ordered it once I did. It all worked out, because Hugo was actually five weeks early. Luckily we had his name and nursery was complete.
P: Hugo was born two days after Thanksgiving, and that Friday, I was like, “You know what, let me go ahead and figure out this car seat, just so I can get it in.” I put it in on Friday and woke up on Saturday morning and Ashley’s water broke.
A: I’m glad that we planned ahead and found the name because if we didn’t, we would have been going crazy in the hospital room.
A: I also enjoyed the gifts that were for me! So often people forget the moms. I got a little diaper bag that I love.
Some of the stuff that people said we didn’t need, we use the most, like a wipe warmer. My mom buys a warmer for every person who has a baby shower. We use it all the time — Hugo does not like a cold wipe. Also the Mamaroo bassinet. I encourage every mom whose baby likes movement to try it out. We put him in that Mamaroo and he sleeps all night!
P: For me, the most surprising thing was that we didn’t go with any of the names from our original list. We had been working on that list for years! It showed me that you might have life all planned out, but sometimes you just have to go with how you feel.
I was also surprised by my passion for finding the name. I really took the challenge head-on. To some people, it’s just a name. Even when we were protective of our list, people were like, “why do you care?” This is important! Going through and finding the name, the work I put in — I was very invested in it. Now that he’s here, I want to pour all that passion and then some into his life and whatever he wants to do.
A: Raising a Black man is so important, and names matter. I want him to feel confident in his name and be so different that people are like, “Wow.” With everything going on in the world today, choosing his name was absolutely important. This is his identity.
P: My generation of guys — Black guys especially — for a lot of us, our fathers weren’t around. I’m seeing so many more instances of us getting involved, and I think it’s super cool. There’s this new generation of men who are invested.
A: Because I’m so detail oriented, I wanted his name to be at his shower. I wanted to own the name. When you put it out — that’s the name. You can now address him as such!
Once I was able to talk to Hugo by name, it finally felt real. After going through so much and finally getting my baby, I wanted to talk to him and say his name — make it real, make it fun. That was the best part.
Babyletto dresser
Lalo high chair
Babyletto crib
Mamaroo bassinet
Rattan lamp
Wipe warmer
Initial bank
Last Stop on Market Street
Woke Baby
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How I Named My Baby Shopping Guide
Thank you so much, Ashley, Peyton, and Hugo!
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Sophie Kihm has been writing for Nameberry since 2015. She has contributed stories on the top 2020s names, Gen Z names, and cottagecore baby names. Sophie is Nameberry’s resident Name Guru to the Stars, where she suggests names for celebrity babies. She also manages the Nameberry Instagram and Pinterest.
Sophie Kihm's articles on names have run on People, Today, The Huffington Post, and more. She has been quoted as a name expert by The Washington Post, People, The Huffington Post, and more. You can follow her personally on Instagram or Pinterest, or contact her at Sophie lives in Chicago.
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