Extravagant boy names aren’t just uncommon or unconventional or even unique. Like the fanciful names for girls that we spotlighted last month, these are the ones that really make a statement!
Historically, parents have always been much more conservative when naming their sons. Since US naming records began in 1880, names in the boys’ top ten have remained there, on average, for almost 30 years. For girls, the figure is half that.
And just seven boy names – John, Robert, James, Michael, Jacob, Noah and Liam – have held the #1 spot across that whole period, bar one year (1960), when David took the top spot. For girls, it’s seven in the past three decades alone!
In many ways, this is great news for lovers of truly undiscovered boy names – there really is a whole world of untapped possibilities out there.
But, by the same token, it can be much more difficult to come up with boy names which embody that elaborate, evocative, extravagant style… What is the male equivalent to bold Berry favorites like Bellatrix and Belphoebe, Persephone and Pomeline, Seraphina and Scheherazade?
Bold baby namers, or those looking for a dramatic name for a character or pet – enjoy!
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Emma Waterhouse joined the team in 2017, writing about everything from the top baby name trends 2023 to how not to choose the next big baby name. As Nameberry's head moderator, she also helps to keep our active forums community ticking.
Emma's articles on names and naming trends have been featured in publications including the Huffington Post, People, Today's Parent, Fatherly, and Good Housekeeping.
A linguist by background, Emma speaks several languages and lives in England's smallest county with her husband and four young children. You can reach her at [email protected].
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