What will the next popular baby names be? Lots of parents would love to know… and name experts love to guess!
If you’re naming a child, you might be interested in whether your favorite names are likely to rise in the next few years. Maybe you want to avoid anything that could get too popular, or want reassurance that your choice isn’t too out there by today’s standards.
But how do you tell? Two of our name experts — me and Sophie, our resident Name Guru to the Stars — used our knowledge and instincts, combined with statistics and a bit of crystal ball-gazing, to shortlist ten names that are likely to become popular in the next five years.
In the life cycle of a name, five years is a short time. Sure, you get the occasional name that goes from zero to Top 1000 — or even higher — in that time, like Nevaeh and Khaleesi. But most names rise and fall at a slower pace. Often one will simmer low in the rankings for years, before a celebrity baby, or television character, or just a change in fashion propels it towards the top.
So all these names are quietly gathering momentum, but they aren’t *quite* on most people’s radar yet. We can see them making the Top 1000 by 2026. In fact, we hope so, because they’re all pretty fantastic.
We’ve also included their rank on the Nameberry chart. These are our most-viewed names, updated monthly, and is a good indicator of what’s on future parents’ minds.
US 2019: number 1144 (209 girls)
Nameberry: number 146
Why it’s the next big thing: Clover is an alternative botanical name to rival Rose and Daisy: sweet, unpretentious, and lucky. Add the cool “Oh” and “V” sounds and literary connections (like What Katy Did), and we’ll be very surprised if this isn’t in the Top 1000 within 5 years.
US 2019: number 1047 (194 boys) and number 2523 (69 girls)
Nameberry: number 699 for boys
Why it’s the next big thing: Everest combines the fashionable “Ever” sound with a nature/adventure meaning, and the idea of being the very top. We predict it hasn’t reached its summit yet.
US 2019: number 1385 (161 girls)
Nameberry: number 570
Why it’s the next big thing: Goldie is right on time for a hundred-year revival, and combines retro charm with a splash of glamor and luxe. Some parents may use it as a nickname for Marigold or Aurelia, but it also glitters in its own right.
US 2019: number 1231 (188 girls)
Nameberry: number 221
Why it’s the next big thing: Fanciful girl names are a big trend, as Guinevere is one of the most classic romantic heroines. She has an appealing sound, a natural successor to Genevieve (which is itself a piggyback on Jennifer…which is a version of, guess what, Guinevere!). There are also several nickname possibilities that are stylish in their own right, such as Winnie, Neve, Vera, and Vivi.
US 2019: number 1123 (173 boys)
Nameberry: number 1588
Why it’s the next big thing: Jenson has been in the England and Wales Top 100 since 2010, the year after Jenson Button won the Formula One World Championship. Across the Pond it’s been slower to catch up, but is a great alternative to Jackson, Jameson, and the more popular spelling Jensen. It could also honor the many moms and grandmas out there named Jennifer.
US 2019: number 1851 (108 girls) and number 3404 (33 boys)
Nameberry: number 748 for boys
Why it’s the next big thing: You may know Jupiter as the Roman god of thunder, but it’s looking hotter for girls now. The sound riffs on Juniper, which was once a niche choice but is now in the Top 200. If that’s too popular for you, Jupiter is a cool, androgynous alternative from the realm of mythological names.
US 2019: number 2278 (60 boys)
Nameberry: number below the Top 2000
Why it’s the next big thing: Makaio ticks several style boxes: the prominent “Kai” sound, the O ending, “Mack” as an alternative nickname, and on-trend Hawaiian origin. As a form of Matthew, it could also be an honor name. It’s still pretty rare, but we think that, like Leilani, this could be one that parents pick up and run with.
US 2019: number 1085 (183 boys) and number 1207 (192 girls)
Nameberry: number 489 for boys, 1618 for girls
Why it’s the next big thing: This is the most gender-neutral name on the list, and it’s hard to know whether the tide will rise for boys, girls or both. We see it as the next River: a unisex nature name that’s easy and breezy to wear, yet full of meaning.
US 2019: number 3991 (36 girls)
Nameberry: number 275
Why it’s the next big thing: Ella, Isla, Ayla, Lola… Orla feels like the missing piece in the jigsaw. A traditional Irish name with an intuitive anglicised spelling and a fantastic meaning (“golden princess”): it’s rare now, but surely Orla’s time to shine is coming soon.
US 2019: number 1365 (130 boys)
Nameberry: number 1268
Why it’s the next big thing: You’ve heard of Lorenzo, and Enzo. Maybe even Kenzo. Renzo has just as much energy and pizzazz, with less popularity and the possibility of Ren as a nickname.
Clare Green has been writing for Nameberry since 2015, covering everything from names peaking right now to feminist baby names, and keeping up-to-date with international baby name rankings. Her work has featured in publications such as The Independent and HuffPost. Clare has a background in linguistics and librarianship, and recently completed an MA dissertation researching names in multilingual families. She lives in England with her husband and son. You can reach her at clare@nameberry.com
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