Popularity: 309
Origin: German
Other Origin(s): Dutch
Meaning: Rich; Powerful; Empire
With Dutch German origins, Ryker is a gender-neutral name meaning “rich” and "powerful." The name comes from the Low German word reich, which can mean “wealthy” or "ruler." This trendy name has become more popular throughout the United States in recent years. The two-syllable rhythm lets the name flow off the tongue and is a cool alternative to other Ry names such as Ryan and Rylan. Ryker is a fabulous choice for those with German roots or are looking for a quirky European name beginning with Ry.

Famous People Named Ryker

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Ryker Mobley Brice
    Son of Lee Mobley Brice
  • Rylan Clark