Popularity: 345
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: the Lord exists
Jesse is a gender-neutral baby name of Hebrew origin. If you intend to raise baby religiously, you may appreciate the meaning, “the Lord exists.” In the Hebrew Bible, Jesse, or Isai, is first recognized in the Old Testament. Jesse was known as the father of King David and a sheep farmer in the heart of Bethlehem. It’s also believed that the phrase “root of Jesse” was commonly used to describe David and the rest of their large family tree. With a name like Jesse, baby can carry the joy of their faith and family wherever they go.

Famous People Named Jesse

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Jesse Eisenberg
  • Jesse Metcalf
  • Jesse Owens
    Olympic Runner
  • Jesse Tyler Ferguson
    TV Actor