Popularity: 35
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: strong; enduring; firm
Ethan is a baby boy name of Hebrew origin, meaning “strong,” “enduring,” and “firm.” If you intend to raise baby in the Jewish or Christian faith, you might enjoy the theory that Ethan derives from the name Eitan. In the Hebrew Bible, Eitan is wise and skilled figure. Today, the name Ethan can be found around the globe in countries like Spain, Canada, and the United States. With the name Ethan, baby can always depend on their inner strength!

Famous People Named Ethan

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Ethan Coen
  • Ethan Hawke
  • Ethan Suplee
  • Ethan Zohn
    Reality TV Actor