Popularity: 171
Origin: Scottish
Other Origin(s): Irish
Meaning: Son of Carr
Carson is a gender-neutral name of Scottish and Irish origins that’s certainly revving up for its moment in the limelight. A surname-turned-first name, Carson means “son of Carr,” and sports a pinch of old-western charm thanks to American frontiersman Kit Carson. The classic name also pulls ahead of siblings Karson, Kason, and Cason, airing a no-fuss spelling and style that’s sure to be a winner for parents. With an etymology that reminds baby of their lineage, Carson still maintains a modernness that stands the test of time.

Famous People Named Carson

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Ben Carson
    Presidential Candidate
  • Carson Daly
    TV Host
  • Johnny Carson
    Comedian, Talk Show Host