b-rant-ley, br(an)-tley
sword or fiery torch; field
Brantley is a gender-neutral name of Norse origin that is great for babies that have a fiery soul. In Old Norse, the name refers to a fiery torch or brand, which can be used as either a weapon or a source of light. This can inspire baby to be a beacon of light in your family’s life, or to be a driven individual who’s not afraid to take risks. Brantley also comes from the Swiss-German surnames Brändli and Brändle, which referred to a person who lived nearby a forest fire. If you want to show baby that good things can come after difficult situations, a name like this is sure to make them a trailblazer.
Famous People Named Brantley
Wondering who else shares this name?
Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
Brantley GilbertSinger
Brantley YorkEducator
Rick BrantleySinger