Popularity: 657
Origin: British
Meaning: Broad meadow
Bradley is a gender-neutral name of British origin. From the Olde English words brad and leah, this name literally means “broad meadow”. Dating back to 1086, this title was once used as a surname before becoming a popular first name in the US in the mid-late 1900s. With this nature-inspired name, baby Bradley may have a soft spot for the great outdoors where they can let their freedom and independence reign. Namesakes include the Dickens character in Our Mutual Friend to some of today’s most well-known Hollywood icons like Bradley Cooper and Brad Pitt. With so many artists and creatives to look to, your little one will have no shortage of positive influences in their life, from your home to the silver screen.

Famous People Named Bradley

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Bill Bradley
    Basketball Player
  • Bradley Beal
    Basketball Player
  • Bradley Cooper
  • Bradley Whitford