Popularity: 346
Origin: German
Meaning: precious
We know that you treasure your little one as much as a priceless jewel, so why not give them a name to show the world how dear they are to you. One example of this could be the German boy’s name, Alan, meaning “precious.” This classic name has been on the charts since 1938, and it’s the borne name of many celebrities and characters such as TV talk show host Alan Carr and Steve Coogan’s comedy persona Alan Partridge. Other spelling variations of this name are Allan, Allen, or even Alyn. No matter which way you decide to spell it, with this name, little Alan will always remember how precious they are in your eyes.

Famous People Named Alan

Wondering who else shares this name? Check out these well known people who made this baby name famous.
  • Alan Alda
  • Alan Davies
  • Alan Greenspan
  • Alan Menken
  • Alan Thicke
    TV Actor
  • Alan Turing